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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Picks of The Week "ReliableQuantOc Fund"

Today, we look at this Strategy Provider, “ReliableQuantOc Fund”. They have been trading for 2 years and 3 months and they have had an equity growth of 399.98% since their inception, with a total...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “GoldOnly Retracement”

Today, we look at Strategy Provider, “GoldOnly Retracement”. This Strategy Provider’s equity growth since inception is at 186.72% and has a total of 4,288.6 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Stripes”

Over 1400 Followers – This is my brief description of this SP.

The Max drawdown is only at 28%, while the monthly average profit is up to 16.63%, a high return versus low risk.

That is what caught...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Gold money manage 2”

If you have been an avid follower of our Copy Tip of The Week series, you should be familiar with the phrase, ”Never follow a scalper on the CopyPip platform”. We have our reasons! The CopyPip...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “MetaMind”

Today, we look at Strategy Provider “MetaMind”. This Strategy Provider has had an equity growth of 2,483.87% since inception and a total of 30,458 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “SAFETY FIRST”

Today, we will be looking at the Strategy Provider, “SAFETY FIRST”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 478.99% and has a total of 7135.6 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Dailyprofit”

Today, we look at Strategy Provider “Dailyprofit”. This Strategy Provider’s equity growth since inception is 1067.02% and has a total of 8617.8 pips.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Breakout Signals”

We are going back to this Strategy Provider, “Breakout Signals”, again to see how they are holding up. This high-growth SP can be a good addition to your portfolio if you can withstand the high...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Ongsoi”

Today we look at strategy provider (SP) “Ongsoi”. This is the SP that we reviewed a long time ago and so far, they are still doing very well in the market. This is a high-return Strategy Provider...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Growth gene”

Today we look at strategy provider “Growth gene”. This is a high-returns strategy provider with 14.47% average returns per month accompanied with a high 72% maximum drawdown.

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