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Copy Tip of The Week – Aggressive High Performing “System VI”

Strategy Provider (SP) “System VI” has been trading just 5 months and 1 week, but their equity growth is amazing with 62,862.12% compounded growth and an average return of 317.60% per month.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Review of strategy provider “Eternity”

We are going to look at the performance of strategy provider (SP), “Eternity”, which we analysed back in December 2020.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Strategy Provider “Teen Ant”

The strategy provider (SP) we are going to talk about this week is “Teen Ant”.

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Copy Tip of The Week – A Low Risk Strategy Provider You Must Not Miss!

The strategy provider (SP) we are going to talk about this week is “Happy Forex 2”. I have been following this SP for the past 2 years, using my demo account, and I must say I am impressed.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “Rollo”

For this week’s copy tip of the week, we will have a look at strategy provider (SP), “Rollo”. As seen from their profile, this SP is from Belarus. The first statistic I noticed is that their maximum...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “SteadyRock”

Today, let us look at strategy provider “SteadyRock”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 5442.57% and has a total of more than 7879.1 pips.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “SeriesA”

Today, we look at strategy provider - “SeriesA”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 729.28% and has a total of more than 8,294.10 pips.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Review Top Pick “NEW 2000”

We are coming back to “NEW 2000”, one of the top strategy providers that we reviewed last year, December 2020.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Review on Top Pick “Yellow Brick”

Let us come back to one of the top strategy providers, “Yellow Brick”, which we reviewed last year, August 2020.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “ELRobo2121Magnet8888”

Today we look at strategy provider “ELRobo2121Magnet8888”. This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is 191.76% with a total of more than 6,424.10 pips.

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