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Copy Tip Of The Week – Top Pick Of The Week “Auto ProFit”

Today, we will be looking at a Strategy Provider called “Auto ProFit”. The first thing that caught my eye is the max drawdown at 64% which is slightly high.

However, the saving grace is that they...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “NerdyFX”

We are going to review a very interesting Strategy Provider (SP) based in Singapore and I will explain why some of the metrics from CopyPip may not be an accurate representation of how a strategy...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Re-evaluate Strategy Provider “FirmumFiduciamMotus”

Today we re-evaluate strategy provider “FirmumFidusciamMotus”.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Goldmuch”

Today, we are looking at a strategy provider called “Goldmuch”. The first thing that catches our attention is the max drawdown of 77%, putting them as a high-risk strategy provider.

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Copy Tip of The Week – How to identify SPs who are using Price Average Strategy?

Price Average Strategy is a capital management method used by many strategy providers on our CopyPip platform. In today's article, we will learn how to recognise SPs who are using this strategy, its...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Skat”

Today we will be discussing a strategy provider called “Skat”. The first thing that caught my eye is the maximum drawdown at 76%. With this, “Skat” is considered a high-risk SP.

This SP has an equity...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “ThinkTwiceSniper1”

Today, we are looking at a strategy provider called “ThinkTwiceSniper1”. The first thing that caught my eye is their maximum drawdown at 50%. It is on the high side for most traders but you will...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Review of Strategy Provider “CTrend FX”

The strategy provider (SP) we are going to talk about this week is “CTrend FX”.

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Copy Tip of The Week – 5 important factors you must know before choosing a strategy provider

The Copypip platform is a great platform for investors to connect, find and copy trades from experienced strategy providers (SPs). This platform provides a lot of parameters of these strategy...

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Copy Tip of The Week – Strategy Provider “StableUx”

Strategy Provider (SP) “StableUx” has been trading for 1 year and 1 week with their equity growth at +1344.74% and an average return of +22.23% per month.

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