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6 Strategies Guaranteed to Improve Your Trading Skills Fast

Do you know why some Forex traders manage to stay in the game for a long time and are successful at it?

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6 of the Best Strategies Every Beginner Should Know When Trading Gold

As one of the most traded commodities in the world, it's not a surprise that you'd want to trade gold as well. It doesn't hurt that its price exceeded $2,000 per troy ounce in August of last year....

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4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Trading Confidence

"When you have confidence, you can do anything." ~ Sloane Stephens

So, how confident are you as a trader?

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Top 5 Challenges Forex Traders Commonly Face and How to Overcome Them

Many resources say that more than 90% of traders lose their money, and 80% of day traders don't make it past two years before they quit. 


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Top 7 Reasons to Trust Fullerton Markets as Your Forex Broker

As the world's largest financial market, it's not a surprise that Forex attracts many participants, some of which have fraudulent schemes in mind. This is why Forex scams continue to rise, even when...

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8 Forex Trading Traps You Must Avoid

In a previous blog, we talked about how to spot and avoid a potential Forex scam so you don’t end up losing money needlessly. Scams, however, are more prevalent in certain activities and aspects of...

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Forex Trading Scams: How to Best Identify and Protect Yourself Against Them

Have you heard about the Instagrammer who was accused of a Forex ‘scam’ amounting to £4,000,000?

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Copy Trading vs Social Trading: Which One Is the Best Option for You?

Learning to trade Forex and navigating its intricacies is easier than ever, thanks to all the resources available online. You just need to ensure that your source of information is credible and...

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How to Choose the Best Forex Broker That Offers the Leverage You Prefer

There are 9.6 million online traders in the Forex market, the majority of whom are from Asia (3.2 million), followed by Europe (1.5 million) and North America (1.5 million). 

This shouldn't come as a...

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Social Trading: What You Need to Know and How to Benefit from It

Wouldn't it be great if you have someone you can tap into when you hit a snag while trading Forex or stocks? To have someone you can ask for a guide or information. Or, to have an entire community...

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