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MT4 vs MT5: A Comparison of the Old and New Breed of Trading Platform

Should you use MT4 or MT5? Should you make the switch or stick to what is familiar and comfortable to use? 

The answer is not exactly a straightforward YES or NO. 

Why? For the simple reason that...

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How to Minimise the Risk of Trading Burnout and What to Do to Overcome It

Whether you're a new or seasoned trader, you're constantly exposed to many factors that can lead to or trigger burnout.

You're losing more than you're earning. You spend hours studying the charts...

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Currency Strength Dashboard: How Does It Work and What Can It Do for You

So which currency pair should you trade?

With so many currency pairs in the Forex market, choosing the right one can be challenging. This is where Fullerton Markets' expert advisor tool, Currency...

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How to Open a CopyPip Account and Navigate the CopyPip Platform

CopyPip is Fullerton Markets' copy trading platform where strategy providers and followers can enjoy mutual benefits. The former earn performance fees on top of their trading profit, while the latter...

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The Fullerton Edge: What 3 Key Benefits Do Traders with Fullerton Markets Enjoy?

As a trader with Fullerton Markets, you're protected with what we call the 3S--Speed of Execution, Safety of Funds, and System of Wealth Creation. Each of these features helps ensure the best trading...

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What the Best Brokers Offer to Ensure Your Fund's Safety

How safe is my investment with Forex brokers? 

It depends on the broker you trade with. Not all brokerage firms are made the same way and some might have more or fewer security features in place.

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A Comprehensive Guide on Short-Term vs Long-Term Forex Trading

Think long term!

Great investors such as Warren Buffett and Shelby M.C. Davis rally behind this wisdom. And there's nothing wrong with waiting before you sell or buy. 

There's power in allowing your...

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What You Need to Know About the Benefits of Forex Bonus Programs

Editor's Note: This article was published on August 26, 2020, and was updated for accuracy.

Who doesn't want to receive a bonus?

You have to appreciate how wonderful it is to receive extra rewards on...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Filter Out Strategy Providers According to Your Risk Profile

Our copy trading platform, CopyPip, offers more than 300 strategy providers with different risk profiles and performance to copy from. How do we choose the right Strategy Providers (SPs) who fit our...

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Check Ratings and Reviews of Strategy Providers

Wouldn’t it be great if you can see the feedback from other strategy followers who followed the strategy provider (SP) you are looking to follow?

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