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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Goldmuch”

Today, we are looking at a strategy provider called “Goldmuch”. The first thing that catches our attention is the max drawdown of 77%, putting them as a high-risk strategy provider.

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Copy Tip of The Week – Top Pick of The Week “Skat”

Today we will be discussing a strategy provider called “Skat”. The first thing that caught my eye is the maximum drawdown at 76%. With this, “Skat” is considered a high-risk SP.

This SP has an equity...

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Beware of Breakouts Due to Low Liquidity This Week

As trading ranges typically expand during the new year week, we expect USD/JPY to move lower from a technical perspective.

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Renewed Brexit Uncertainty Could Resurface

As UK needs to race for trade deal with EU in next 11 months, short GBP/USD upon any rally.

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Sneak Peek: BoE Could Hint Easing in 2020

While no changes in rates tonight, Bank of England (BoE) may hint a possible easing in 2020 due to tepid inflation. GBP/USD could fall lower.

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How Far Can GBP Rise?

As the UK still has no trade deal with the EU post-Brexit, this is likely to improve risk appetite for GBP/USD in the forex market only for a short period of time.

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Breaking News: GBP/JPY Rose 500 Pips After Boris Johnson Won Parliamentary Majority

With a majority Parliament won, PM Johnson will be able to get his Brexit deal through Parliament without further delay and take Britain out of the European Union. GBP/JPY could retrace first before...

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Breaking News: Market in Risk-Off Mode Despite Less Dovish FOMC

US dollar and Treasuries yield fell after a less dovish FOMC as the market may be doubting Fed’s ability to accurately predict future outlook. Short USD/JPY?

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Sneak Peek: FOMC May Leave the Market With “Meh”

With Fed widely expected to keep its monetary policy unchanged, market will be focusing on Powell’s press conference on Fed’s forward guidance. Long gold at dip?

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Sneak Peek: UK Elections – Be Prepared for a Hung Parliament

With the results of the UK election almost unpredictable, it would be prudent to stay on the sidelines for now.

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