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How to Use Fibonacci Retracement to Analyse Profitable Trading in Gold

Gold is widely accepted as a safe-haven asset during high uncertainty in the market. This is especially true when trading spot gold in the Forex market. Regardless of whether the price of gold rises...

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How to Profit from Forex Using the Breakout Trading Strategy

The breakout trading technique is a popular trading strategy among traders all around the world, and many Forex gurus utilise it in their books or to teach seminars.

In this article, we'll take an...

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How to Use Price Action to Boost Profitability of Breakout and Retest Trading Strategies

Most traders often learn how to use indicators or tools for trading when they first enter the Forex market. However, after a while, they will realise that trading with indicators does not reflect the...

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Copy Tip of the Week: Inversed Trading

There are losers and winners in the Forex market. Some of us might be wondering, while it’s possible to replicate successes of the winners through copy trading, is it possible to avoid what the...

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How to Trade in a Slow Forex Market (Low Volatility)

Editor's Note: This blog post was posted on June 28, 2019 and was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Most Forex traders would have come across this phrase somewhere along their trading...

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