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Special Edition: How Coronavirus Hits Global Economy and Affects Monetary Policy

With uncertainties weighing on the global economy, long gold at dip.

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Breaking News: EUR/USD Fell to a 3-Year Low Amid Economic Slowdown and Coronavirus

With the number of coronavirus cases increasing and the slowdown in the euozone’s economy, it may be too early to call for a bottoming of EUR/USD. EUR/USD can still move lower.

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Breaking News: RBNZ Positive Comments Failed to Support NZD

Despite the bullish comments from RBNZ, the fear of coronavirus impacting the economy will keep investors cautious. Short NZD/USD?

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Aussie Dollar Becomes the Victim Due to Coronavirus

As uncertainties continue to weigh on global economy, short Aussie at rally.

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Sneak Peek: NFP Tonight Could Continue to Fuel Dollar

With ADP employment change doubling and jobless claims falling, we could expect a healthy NFP data though the gains should be modest. Short EUR/USD?

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Breaking News: RBA Kept Rates Unchanged at 0.75%

With the bushfires and coronavirus continuing to weigh on Australia’s domestic growth, RBA may be forced to cut rates next month. Short AUD/JPY?

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China Stocks Raise Fears on Global Growth Outlook

With risk-off mode expected to stay, buy safe-havens like gold and yen.

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Sneak Peek: Bank of England May Lean Towards Dovishness Tonight

With more MPC members expected to vote for a rate cut tonight due to weaker UK’s growth in general, we could expect dovish sentiments from Governor Carney. GBP/JPY could slide further.

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Sneak Peek: Fed May Keep Neutral Stance Despite Threat of Coronavirus Outbreak

With US-China trade tensions easing, improvement in US data and limited cases of Coronavirus in the US, Fed has no urgency to change its stance. Short EUR/USD?

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Global Fears Escalate as Virus Weighs on Economic Growth

As risk-off mode may continue to stay, gold and yen may be your best bet.

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