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US Unemployment Sees No Light at the End of the Tunnel

Risk assets may have yet to reach the bottom, short USD/JPY at peak

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Sneak Peek: How to Trade the NFP in a Volatile Market?

Even though the market may already be pricing a weaker NFP data, the actual data, if worse than forecast, could still spark selling pressure but in a smaller magnitude. GBP/JPY may move lower.

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Markets Want More, Can You Deliver?

Market confidence waned after the best week in decades, USD/JPY may continue to move lower

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Sneak Peek: US Jobless Claims Tonight May Kill The Rally

The numbers for US jobless claims are expected to spike higher due to coronavirus-induced layoffs. This may kill the current rally in the US stock market. Short SPX/USD?

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Breaking News: Fed Announced QE “Infinity” To Bolster US Economy

Though Fed will buy unlimited amounts of US Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities in the new QE, it has failed to support the US stocks and weaken the dollar. SPX/USD may continue to weaken.

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Fed’s Top Official Predicts Unemployment Rate to Hit 30%

When risk-off continues, selling AUD/USD could be appropriate.

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Breaking News: ECB Launches €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)

Even with the huge stimulus package announced, euro’s move was limited as the market felt that both the ECB and the individual countries should have taken more measures. Any rally in EUR/USD is an...

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Breaking News: Trump Administration Seeks A USD1.2 Trillion Stimulus Package

Trump administration assembled a USD1.2 trillion federal emergency fiscal package that includes sending money directly to Americans. This would temporary boost dollar due to the support offered to...

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For the First Time in Decades – Fed’s QE Jitters Investors

Market sees no short-term solution to combat the virus, short USD/JPY at peak

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Sneak Peek: All Eyes on ECB Tonight

Following European Central Bank (ECB) President Lagarde’s dovish comments yesterday that the impact of COVID-19 could be as bad as the 2008 crisis, we believe ECB may dish out stimulus to support the...

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