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Breaking News: Sterling Plunges After PM Johnson Suspends Parliament

Boris Johnson suspended Parliament until 14 October, reducing time MPs have to stop a no-deal Brexit. Brexit uncertainty will continue to weigh on pound.

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When Everything is Down, Buy Gold

Gold’s rally is invincible now, always buy gold at dip.

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Bets on Euro to Break 1.10 Increases

ECB is preparing a stimulus package amid a worsening global downturn and trade uncertainties. EUR/USD could break the psychological barrier of 1.10 by the next ECB meeting.

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Breaking News: Gold Fell 550 pips after Trump Delayed China Tariffs

Trump delayed tariffs due to pressure from US businesses while US-China trade talks continue to show no progress. Gold could resume its uptrend.

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Investing Tips: 5 Reasons Why You Should Trade Gold Now

Whether it's behaving like a bull or a bear, the gold market offers high liquidity and excellent opportunities to profit in nearly all environments due to its unique position within the world’s...

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Breaking News: Kiwi Plunges After RBNZ’s Surprise Cut of 50bps

After the surprise cut of 50bps, RBNZ Gov Orr hinted at negative rates amid worsening trade conflict and darkening global outlook. NZD/JPY could head towards 65.30.

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Sneak Peek: RBNZ Could Signal Further Easing Amidst Trade War Escalation

RBNZ could hint that they are looking for further easing amidst escalation of the US-China trade war. NZD/JPY could fall further.

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Two Factual Errors Nn U.S. Report On China FX Manipulation

Chief Strategist Jimmy Zhu discusses in this CGTN report why the US Treasury department’s decision to label China as a Forex manipulator is a symbolic move without much implication.

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Could the Trade War be Trump’s Final Card?

Trump could be dragging the trade war until the 2020 US elections before withdrawing to boost vote numbers. Gold could potentially rise higher as risk-off sentiments continue to increase.

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Sneak Peek: Can a Stronger NFP Save the Dollar?

With risk sentiment shifting towards risk-off, a stronger NFP will only provide a better short entry. USD/JPY could break critical support at the 106.80 price level.

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