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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Check Ratings and Reviews of Strategy Providers

Wouldn’t it be great if you can see the feedback from other strategy followers who followed the strategy provider (SP) you are looking to follow?

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What You Need to Know about Copy Trading

Don't you just wish you can earn money on autopilot?

Well, you can!

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Copy Tip of the Week – How to Diversify your CopyPip Portfolio

Diversifying your investments is important in building wealth. There’s an old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” which means don’t put all your money in one investment. The same...

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Top 3 Features of the Best Copy Trading Platform for You

Copy trading is extremely popular these days, especially with all the copy trade platforms popping up.

While copy trading is best for beginners, both new and experienced traders can benefit from...

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Copy Trading 101: How to Choose the Best Trader to Copy

Anyone can trade in the foreign exchange market. Even those who have little knowledge of currency trading.


By copying trades.

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Breaking News: RBA Warns Speed of Economic Recovery to be “Highly Uncertain”

With RBA keeping rates unchanged for years to come while keeping stimulus on the table if required, Aussie dollar could remain weak for now. Short AUD/USD?

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Markets Are Sending Different Signals on Recovery

When bond traders are questioning the strength of economy recovery, does this mean that USD/JPY tends to weaken?

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Copy Tip of the Week – Managing Copy Trading Risk with Money Management Correlation (MMC)

Money Management Correlation is an indicator under “Portfolio” which shows conformity of your settings in a specific trading strategy to Money Management rules defined by a strategy provider.

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Breaking News: US NFP Surges by 4.8 Million While Unemployment Rate Fell to 11.1%

Even though the Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) released tonight might be painting a good picture for the US economy, the labour market still has a long way to recover the 20 million job losses in April. We...

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Global Coronavirus Cases Hit 10 Million Before the US Jobs Report is Released

Market sentiment turns fragile once again amid fears of a second virus wave, sell risk assets at this point?

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