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Traders to Focus on VIX Before US Election

With market volatility rising ahead of November US presidential and congressional elections, investors are parsing what polls and policy proposals mean for everything from energy stocks to shares of...

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Rebound in Risk Assets May Stay Short as Election is Coming

Dip buyers showed up when market opened this morning, after Trump’s doctors said he’s doing well and could be discharged as soon as Monday. Markets fell on Friday after Trump’s diagnosis. They...

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FOMC Meeting Last Week Offered Little Support To Risk Assets

The US Central Bank emphasised that it has a powerful new monetary policy road map for returning the US to full employment and lifting inflation temporarily above 2%. Is the market convinced by this...

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Breaking News: RBA Warns Speed of Economic Recovery to be “Highly Uncertain”

With RBA keeping rates unchanged for years to come while keeping stimulus on the table if required, Aussie dollar could remain weak for now. Short AUD/USD?

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Markets Are Sending Different Signals on Recovery

When bond traders are questioning the strength of economy recovery, does this mean that USD/JPY tends to weaken?

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Breaking News: US NFP Surges by 4.8 Million While Unemployment Rate Fell to 11.1%

Even though the Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) released tonight might be painting a good picture for the US economy, the labour market still has a long way to recover the 20 million job losses in April. We...

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Global Coronavirus Cases Hit 10 Million Before the US Jobs Report is Released

Market sentiment turns fragile once again amid fears of a second virus wave, sell risk assets at this point?

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Breaking News: Traders’ Current Thoughts After the US Reported Record Jump in New Cases

The US governors are reversing plans to reopen their states as the country registered the biggest jump in coronavirus cases. However, markets remain bullish in trust that Fed will continue to provide...

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Breaking News: Surge of Virus Cases in Australia Likely to Pressure Aussie

Australia posted its biggest one-day spike in coronavirus cases in two months, heightening concerns that the nation could go into its second lockdown, and possibly driving AUD/USD lower.

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Breaking News: US-EU Trade Tensions, Tumbling Stocks Weigh on EUR/USD

EUR/USD will find it hard to avoid a short-term dip which could take it toward the low 1.11 area.

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