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Tech Giants' Earnings Season Looms, A Portfolio Shift from FX to Stocks

The investing landscape is gearing up for an eventful week as earnings season unfolds, with a striking 30% of S&P 500 companies poised to unveil their financial results.

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Tech Giants' Earnings Season Looms, A Portfolio Shift from FX to Stocks

The investing landscape is gearing up for an eventful week as earnings season unfolds, with a striking 30% of S&P 500 companies poised to unveil their financial results.

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Navigating Rising Interest Rates: Strategies for Maximizing Profit

As investors navigate an increasingly turbulent market landscape, the geopolitical complexities arising from the Israel-Hamas conflict are compounding the existing uncertainties linked to surging...

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Middle East Conflict Sparks Over 4% Surge in Oil Prices

The eruption of hostilities between Israel and Palestine over the weekend has cast another layer of complexity for stock traders already grappling with a challenging market. However, the oil market...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Bond Market Becomes Stock’s Nightmare, Here Is The Smart Way To Trade

The VIX index rose above 19 as stocks fell despite jobless claims remaining historically low. Fed’s rate outlook jitters stock traders now. The good news is that traders can profit from the market’s...

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Stock Market Retreats, Economic Growth Slows: Rationale Behind FX Traders' Dollar Acquisition

Amidst the contemporary financial landscape, investors are grappling with a novel reality marked by the spectre of prolonged higher interest rates. Within this unfolding paradigm, the US dollar...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Market Mayhem: Nasdaq's Worst Month, Tesla's Troubles, and Nike's China Conundrum

The Nasdaq Composite is off nearly 6% in September and down 4.3% for the quarter. This month will be the worst in 2023 for it. The Dow is on track for a 3% decline this month and a 2.2% fall for the...

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Navigating Profit Opportunities Amidst Looming US Government Shutdown

The eyes of traders remain vigilantly fixed on the unfolding budget resolution drama in the heart of Washington. As the weekend waned, lawmakers exhibited scant signs of progress toward a deal that...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Riding the Short-Selling Wave Amid Market Uncertainty

Concerned about recent market downturns or the possibility of a recession? Here's some good news: The Federal Reserve's recent signal that interest rates won't drop as steeply as expected might have...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Tech Investors Eye Opportunities Amid Fed's Hike Hints and Inflation Surprises

The producer price index for August outpaced expectations, surging by 0.7%, exceeding the anticipated 0.4% increase. However, the core producer price index (PPI) is aligned with the projected 0.2%...

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