FOMC Meeting Looms Large Following Strong NFP Performance

The recent employment report, surpassing expectations, showcased a resilient economy with a seasonal addition of 199,000 jobs in the past month. This boost, partly attributed to the resolution of...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Survey Shows Stock Sentiment Weakening, But AI Race Could Be The Opportunity

Investors have been focused on jobs data as initial jobless claims reported on Thursday were 220,000 while continuing claims came in at 1.861 million.

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Gold Prices Surpass $2,100, Signaling Prolonged Upside in 2024

The recent surge in gold prices, reaching an impressive $2,100 per ounce on Monday for the second consecutive day, has become a focal point for investors, hinting at a potential trend that might...

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Stock Momentum Persists Amid Overwhelming Expectations for Fed Rate Cut

Investors remain optimistic that the Fed has wrapped up its rate-hiking regime and that the economy is on track for a soft landing.

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Historic Trends Support Ongoing Stock Rally, Indicating Upside Potential

As November draws to a close, Wall Street is set to wrap up the month on a robust note, with stock indices eyeing new highs as the year concludes.

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Stocks Pick of The Week - Buy, Buy, Buy! Falling Bond Yield Drives Tech Stocks Crazy

The S&P500 index has climbed 8.7% in November so far, on track for its strongest monthly showing since July 2022. It is up 19% in 2023.

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Nvidia Earnings, FOMC Minutes To Provide Further Insights into the Sustainability of the Market Rally

The upcoming Nvidia earnings report is poised to be a pivotal event, drawing the attention of investors eager to assess the sustainability of the November rally as the year approaches its end.

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Stocks Pick of The Week - US Indices Surge Amid Optimism, but Scepticism Lingers

Major US stock indices are poised for their third consecutive week of gains, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq registering over 2% increases by Thursday's close, and the Dow expected to climb by 1.9%.

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US Inflation Figures - A Litmus Test for Market Resilience

The strong start to November undergoes a crucial assessment this week as market participants analyse October's inflation data. This information is pivotal for gaining insight into the Federal...

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