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4 Benefits of Trading as a Stay-at-Home Mum and How to Find Time to Trade

Trading the financial market as a stay-at-home mom can be rewarding. You can make money from Forex, stocks and other assets while taking care of your family.

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What the Elon Musk-Twitter Deal Means to You as a Shareholder

After what seemed to be a thrilling dance of "I want you, I don't want you," Twitter finally agreed to sell Twitter to Elon Musk's initial bid of $44 billion. 

Is it a case of the social network...

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How to Build a Portfolio That Guarantees Peace of Mind even During Uncertain Times

The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine has many people asking, "how will it affect my investments?"

Are you asking the same thing?

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5 Things You Can Do to Better Manage Your Pandemic Debts

What's the health status of your finances during these times? 

If you're not hurting for cash, consider yourself lucky. Other people are dealing with debts day in and day out.

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5 Ways to Become a Smarter Investor in the Forex Market

Everyone wants to make smart investments but only a few actually realise their goals. There are many factors in play, including which financial vehicle you invest in.

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Top 5 Methods to Generate Passive Income from the Forex Market

Can you make money trading Forex? 

Yes, you can.

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Pay Yourself First: How to Do This Right Even on a Low Income

Do you make a habit of allocating 10% or 20% of your income to a savings account or an emergency fund? 

You might want to make it your goal this 2021 if you haven't yet.

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How to Effectively Set SMART Financial Goals and Actually Achieve Them

It's three weeks into January 2021. How are you doing so far with your financial to-do list? 

If you've implemented the financial checklist we've shared with you, you should be at the goal-setting...

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Starting the Year Right: What Your January Financial To-Do List Must Include

Have you made any financial resolutions this year?

You should if you haven't done it yet.

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5 Portfolio Protection Strategies every Investor Should Know

How are you protecting your investments during this crisis? Were you one of those investors who changed their portfolio in response to the economic slowdown or did you do nothing at all?

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