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Fullerton Markets

Gold Prices Surpass $2,100, Signaling Prolonged Upside in 2024

The recent surge in gold prices, reaching an impressive $2,100 per ounce on Monday for the second consecutive day, has become a focal point for investors, hinting at a potential trend that might...

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Historic Trends Support Ongoing Stock Rally, Indicating Upside Potential

As November draws to a close, Wall Street is set to wrap up the month on a robust note, with stock indices eyeing new highs as the year concludes.

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Nvidia Earnings, FOMC Minutes To Provide Further Insights into the Sustainability of the Market Rally

The upcoming Nvidia earnings report is poised to be a pivotal event, drawing the attention of investors eager to assess the sustainability of the November rally as the year approaches its end.

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US Inflation Figures - A Litmus Test for Market Resilience

The strong start to November undergoes a crucial assessment this week as market participants analyse October's inflation data. This information is pivotal for gaining insight into the Federal...

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Traders Engage in Active Purchasing Across Markets, From Equities to Fixed Income

The October labour market report, revealing signs of a decelerating labour sector, carries potential to impact the Federal Reserve's stance on monetary policy. The recent data release is amplifying...

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Fed, NFP, and Apple Earnings May Not Be Friendly to The Entire Financial Market

The financial world is poised for a pivotal week, with three significant events on the horizon that could have far-reaching implications for investors. The FOMC meeting and the release of the October...

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Tech Giants' Earnings Season Looms, A Portfolio Shift from FX to Stocks

The investing landscape is gearing up for an eventful week as earnings season unfolds, with a striking 30% of S&P 500 companies poised to unveil their financial results.

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Middle East Conflict Sparks Over 4% Surge in Oil Prices

The eruption of hostilities between Israel and Palestine over the weekend has cast another layer of complexity for stock traders already grappling with a challenging market. However, the oil market...

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Stock Market Retreats, Economic Growth Slows: Rationale Behind FX Traders' Dollar Acquisition

Amidst the contemporary financial landscape, investors are grappling with a novel reality marked by the spectre of prolonged higher interest rates. Within this unfolding paradigm, the US dollar...

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