Forex trading 101

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What Is CFD Trading and Why Should You Care?

Don't you just hate it when you have to wait for the prices of stocks and cryptocurrencies to rally so you can sell? Or, for the prices to dip so you can buy? 

With CFD, however, you can profit from...

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3 Things You Wish Someone Told You About Being a Professional Trader

If there's one thing you're likely to see in most adverts about traders and brokers, it will be the glitz, glamour and fancy lifestyle. There's money in trading, after all. And there's a reason why...

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6 Strategies Guaranteed to Improve Your Trading Skills Fast

Do you know why some Forex traders manage to stay in the game for a long time and are successful at it?

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Don't Open a Trade Unless These 5 Pre-trading Criteria Are Satisfied

Do you want to avoid mistakes when trading Forex? 

While great investors and traders tell you that mistakes play a part in creating a successful trader in you, you should definitely minimise them....

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4 Practical Ways to Improve Your Trading Confidence

"When you have confidence, you can do anything." ~ Sloane Stephens

So, how confident are you as a trader?

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How to Profit from Forex Using the Breakout Trading Strategy

The breakout trading technique is a popular trading strategy among traders all around the world, and many Forex gurus utilise it in their books or to teach seminars.

In this article, we'll take an...

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How to Use Price Action to Boost Profitability of Breakout and Retest Trading Strategies

Most traders often learn how to use indicators or tools for trading when they first enter the Forex market. However, after a while, they will realise that trading with indicators does not reflect the...

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Social Trading: What You Need to Know and How to Benefit from It

Wouldn't it be great if you have someone you can tap into when you hit a snag while trading Forex or stocks? To have someone you can ask for a guide or information. Or, to have an entire community...

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Why Keeping a Trading Journal Matters According to Stock and Forex Traders

We’ve asked several traders, both stock and Forex traders:

  • Do you keep a trading journal? 
  • What data do you record/document? 
  • How does journalling your trades help you in any way? 

The response is...

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7 Strategies to Help You Bounce Back from a Losing Streak in Forex

What's the worst part of being a trader? 

Losing a trade, of course.

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