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BOE puts rate on hold but for how long?

Sterling rallied to the highest in July after BOE kept its rate unchanged.  Is it a good time to join the rally or sell the rally?

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NFP “mood swings”!

NFP posted the best figure in 6 months.  USD/JPY shot up 100 pips only to retrace back to pre-NFP level in less than an hour.

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Brexit ripples continue

UK had revealed their intention; to leave EU.  Uncertainty looms, Gold and Silver hit 27-month and 23-month high respectively. 

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The Brexit effect

On Thursday 24th June 2016, Britain voted ‘Leave’, opting to quit the European Union. 

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Crunch time: Brexit or Bremain?

This week, the UK will hold a historic referendum on Thursday 23rd June where voters will answer Yes or No to the question “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave...

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June rate hike off the table

Last Monday, Yellen expressed her disappointment on the weak labour market report which indirectly took the June rate hike off the table. 

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Gold slumps on Fed rate outlook

Late last week, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the improving U.S. economy meant another interest-rate hike would probably be in order “in the coming months,” pushing the dollar to its...

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Hawkish minutes propel the dollar

Hawkish FOMC minutes showed most Fed officials believed a rate hike in June is likely if the economy supports it.  EURUSD dropped to 7 weeks low.

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Strong spending boosts Greenback

Stronger than expected spending in US boosts the greenback to end the week higher.  Could the momentum carry on this week? 

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Gloomy skies loom

RBA cuts interest rate to historical low.  China, UK and US data under-perform.  Where is the ray of hope amidst the gloomy skies?

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