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Trading Specifications

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Cryptocurrencies Specifications

Currency pair Contract Size Minimum Lot Incremental Steps Maximum Lot Denominating Currencies Margin Requirements
ADAUSD (Cardano / USD) 1000 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
BCHUSD (Bitcoin Cash / USD) 10 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
BTCUSD (Bitcoin / USD) 1 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
DOGEUSD (DogeCoin / USD) 10000 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
DOTUSD (Polkadot / USD) 100 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
ETHUSD (Ethereum / USD) 1 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
LNKUSD (Chainlink / USD) 100 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
LTCUSD (Litecoin / USD) 100 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
XRPUSD (Ripple / USD) 10000 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
XLMUSD (Stellar / USD) 10000 0.01 0.01 10 USD 20%
Currency pair

Trading Hours (Server Time)

Trading Hours (Server Time)

Server Time
ADAUSD (Cardano / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
BCHUSD (Bitcoin Cash / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
BTCUSD (Bitcoin / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
DOGEUSD (DogeCoin / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
DOTUSD (Polkadot / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
ETHUSD (Ethereum / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
LNKUSD (Chainlink / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
LTCUSD (Litecoin / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
XRPUSD (Ripple / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
XLMUSD (Stellar / USD) Monday - Friday : 00:00 Monday - Thursday : 24:00
Friday : 23:55
GMT +3
Currency pair Leverage Commission Margin Percentage Margin Call Stop Out
ADAUSD (Cardano / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
BCHUSD (Bitcoin Cash / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
BTCUSD (Bitcoin / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
DOGEUSD (DogeCoin / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
DOTUSD (Polkadot / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
ETHUSD (Ethereum / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
LNKUSD (Chainlink / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
LTCUSD (Litecoin / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
XRPUSD (Ripple / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%
XLMUSD (Stellar / USD) 1:5 0.4% 20% 50% 30%


Swap = Daily Closing price x Contract size x ( No. of Lots x Swap / 100 / 360)
3 Days Swap: Friday

We Execute and Provide the Best Liquidity


Market Execution

Fullerton Markets offers the best liquidity with lowest latency connection to our extensive tier-one liquidity partners. All trades at Fullerton Markets are executed directly with the market without requotes.



Fullerton Markets aims to provide clients with the best trading execution available, and to fill all orders at the requested rate. However, there are times when orders may be subjected to slippage due to an increase in volume and/or volatility. Slippage most commonly occurs during fundamental news events or periods of limited liquidity. During such periods, your order type and quantity requested can have an impact on the overall execution you receive.


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