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Downside Risk to Spike During NFP This Week Amid Delta Variant Spread

August has a history of sudden spikes in volatility. Think back to the sell-off in August 2011, or the drama of 2015. With many areas of the world now experiencing an uptick in Covid and the CBOE’s...

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How You Can Get Started on MT5 on the Fullerton Markets Platform

Ready to trade on the MT5 platform?

With so much to offer investors and traders, Fullerton Markets wants to provide you with the choice to explore and use MT5 and its features alongside your MT4...

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Understanding the MT5 Trading Platform and Its Features

Despite being around for quite a while now, the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform is somehow still not as popular as its predecessor, MT4. However, MT5 does have a number of benefits that make it a...

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Fed Promised to Keep Supporting Economy Until Substantial Recovery Has Been Made

Last Wednesday, the Federal Reserve officials concluded one of the most active years in the central bank’s history, as it put final touches on their plans to support the economy for longer than they...

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “NEW 2000"

Today we look at strategy provider “NEW 2000.” This strategy provider’s equity growth since inception is at 246.57%, with a total of more than 9,172 pips and ranks in the Top 10 list with 74 CP Rank.

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Last FOMC Meeting This Year to Arrive This Week

Federal Reserve officials have something new to talk about in their policy meeting this week, which is to lend more support to the financial markets in 2021.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Strategy Provider “VisonNext”

Let’s look at the performance of one of our top-performing strategy providers (SP) “VisonNext.” This SP’s equity growth since inception is 249.53% with a total of more than 7,600 pips and ranks in...

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MT4 vs MT5: A Comparison of the Old and New Breed of Trading Platform

Should you use MT4 or MT5? Should you make the switch or stick to what is familiar and comfortable to use? 

The answer is not exactly a straightforward YES or NO. 

Why? For the simple reason that...

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The Next Market Mover is a Fiscal Stimulus Package

Stimulus to help the economy and vaccines to stop the virus are expected to be the main focus in markets in the week ahead.

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Copy Tip of the Week – Top Ranked Strategy Provider “Eternity”

Strategy Provider (SP) “Eternity” is a long running provider who has been trading for more than 5 years now. His trading history started all the way back in 2014 and his YTD performance has been...

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